Friday, May 9, 2008

Foods that are Toxic to Your Dog

This is an important one! You should learn what foods can be harmful to your dog. Here is some Toxic foods. There may be some you never thought of: Leave comments if you have others that are not noted please. Keep your dog safe and healthy!


1. Raisins and Grapes - Did you have any idea of how dangerous these are to dogs? It has been reported that only 7 grapes or raisins can be very toxic to your dog.
2. Potato peelings or green looking potatos
3. Rhubarb leaves
4. Spoiled or mouldy foods
5. Coffee grounds, beans and tea (caffeine)
6. Alcohole
7. Hops ( home brewing)
8. Tomato Leaves and stems
9. Broccoli in large amounts
10. Cigarettes and tobacco
11. Apple Core pips and pear pipes
12. Artificial Sweeteners (especially Xylitol)
13. Macadamia Nuts
14. Chocolate

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