Putting animals to death by means of gassing is a subject I have dreaded writing about. This is because the amount of sadness and grief that it fills my heart with. It literally causes a depression in me because I know what really goes on inside these gas chambers.
There is nothing humane about the gas chamber. In fact in is so cruel that most can not even believe the suffering that goes along with being gassed. It can take about 20-45 minutes for an animal to die. There is a list of symptoms that they can go through that include, sickness, disorientation, panic, fear, tremors, loss of control of bladder and bowls, dizziness and choking.
The worst thing about this is sometimes the animals dont die the first time from being gassed. They can have more dogs poured on top of them and go through the horror all over again. They will listen to the barks, screams and whimpers all over again. They can lose control of themselves and there nervous systems and can start banging their heads into the metal cage or start biting themselves or any other dog close to them. It is so horrible that some of the images I have seen on this upset me to the point of throwing up. It is hard to imagine that these innocent dogs and cats and babies are piled up like trash in these to suffer a fate that we cant imagine.
Some areas like North Carolina use gas chambers frequently. There is usually some petition to fight it that you can find some where online.
The gas they use is generally Carbon Monoxide which can leak and cause harm to the people running them. Not that I a have tons of sympathy for them. Yeah I know everyone has to make a living but to me anyone who does that is worthless to me.
The public needs to learn about this terrible method and stop turning a blind eye to it. Here is a link to a site that will teach you more. http://www.freewebs.com/ncche/