Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Fun Dog Facts

Every dog large or small comes directly from a wolf.

Dogs Female Dogs go into heat 2 times a year for about 20 days.

Dogs can see color just not as vivid as humans.

If never spayed or neutered, a female dog, and their puppies could product over 66,000 dogs in 6 years!

Dogs sweat glands are between their paws.

Average body temperature for a dog is 101.2 degrees

The U.S. has the highest dog population in the world

15 people yearly die from dog bites.

In the bible the dog is mentions 14 times.

If you punish a dog for submissive peeing it will make the problem worse.

Dogs can smell 100,000 times better then humans.

Dogs have 321 bones in their body.

A dogs nose prints can identify that particular dog, like our fingerprints.

Dogs don't understand pointing. They focus on the tip of your finger, not the item you are pointing at.

The oldest dog on record is 29 years old. He was an Australian Cattle-Dog.

Basenji only dog that doesn't bark.

Dalmatians are born white.

Dogs respond better to a calm but firm voice rather then a screaming maniac.

All puppies are born with worms.

White dogs are prone to deafness.

Zorba, an English Mastiff, is the heaviest dog on record, weighing 343 lbs at the age of 8 in 1989.

The Lundehund breed has 6 toes and can close its ears.

When a dog bays at the moon, it is following a basic urge to call the pack together.

Staring directly into the eyes of a strange dog may be interpreted as a challenge and may actually encourage the dog to bite you.

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